About The Magic Browser Website

The Magic Browser Website is A Digital Window and On-Line Archive for the IMP Initiative & Evolutionary Series of Information Modelling Tools and Applications (1986-1996).

It is a Platform for the ‘Frameworks’ Project – including the ‘Frameworks’ Browser, the ‘Frameworks’ Book (First Edition January 2025), and the Prototype Tool (“The Intelligent Frame” Version 3.1 November 2024).

This Website has been configured using WordPress, and updates the Previous Magic Browser Website.

The Previous Magic Browser Website was launched around 2003. The interface was simple and graphical: composed of 6 Buttons.

The designation “Magic Browser Website” derives from two things: The “Magic Browser Tool” (1994) and the term “Browser” – which derives from the first concept demonstrator I designed and delivered in 1986/7, “The HNS Browser”.

One of the ideas demonstrated was “browsing” a graphical schematic – composed of the fewest key elements of a system or domain – derived from an exercise of simple analysis and categorisation – where the schema was a meaningful array – a meaningful model – and where the key elements were hyperlinked to definition, detail and reference.

The Original “Concept Demonstrator”

The “HNS Browser” was a computer-based version of the “HNS Schema” (1985) which I derived and designed through a simple analysis of the fewest key elements of the Human (Central) Nervous System (Brain, BrainStem and Spinal Cord). The ‘HNS Schema” was coded and made into an interactive “browser” displayed on the computer screen (Compaq Portable). The user could “browse” the schema and select elements of interest which were hyperlinked to definition, detail and reference. I named this computer-based interactive schema – the “HNS Browser”.

I pursued my idea of reducing the complexity of large systems and domains – through simple analysis and the modelling and representation of the fewest key elements in the form of simple (symbolic) graphical schemata/maps – which provide for computer-based “browsers” – where the key elements are hyperlinked to definition, detail and reference. In a subsequent programme of applied R&D into “information modelling tools” and concept demonstrator applications. “Browsing” of graphical schemata/maps/interfaces to domains and systems – “Discovery Learning”.

The “HNS Browser” 1986/7

The “HNS Browser” was a “concept demonstrator” – programmed and coded by Nick Williams, a member of my Anatomy Tutorial Group. When I spoke to the group about “Systems” and highlighted the Human Nervous System, showed then the “HNS Schema: (as drafted by the Anatomy Medical Illustrator) – and speculated about making an interactive computer-based version of the Schema – Nick Williams told me that he was keen on Coding and knew the ‘Basic’ language. I applied to the Dean of the Medical School for a vacation Grant for Nick to work on a computer-based version. The rest is history.

This is a screenshot from “The HNS Browser”, 1986 – created on a Compaq Portable PC coded in a version of Basic. It was a “concept demonstrator”. The concepts and ideas included: (i) a simple graphical schema of the human nervous system derived from an analysis of the system – as a map/blueprint composed of the fewest key elements representing/capturing the essence of a system or domain – in this case the human nervous system – as simple graphical symbols, each one a “category” – effectively encapsulating detail; (ii) “browsers” as graphical interfaces (GUIs) for parsing, browsing and the selection of elements of interest (here, with a mouse cursor) for discovery; (iii) “active and interactive” – active element-by-element composition of the schema on the display screen, and interactive display where an element can be displayed by selection of a label from a list and/or where a label can be displayed by selection of a graphical element (symbol). Notice the simple menu design – of the fewest Buttons.

This is another screenshot from “The HNS Browser” – where the “user”* has selected the “Interrogate Button” (magnifying glass) which has revealed all the selectable/interrogatable elements and turned the simple mouse pointer into a magnifying glass which can be employed to locate selectable elements of interest: here, both Words/Labels and Symbols/Graphical Elements. [This in fact illustrated Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory]. Here, for example, “Coronal” is the type of anatomical section of the Neuraxis (Brain and Spinal Cord) and “CCG” is the “Central Core Grey” (a category I defined of the Grey Matter (Neurons) of the Neuraxis. This display being interactive where an element can be displayed by selection of a label from a list and/or where a label can be displayed by selection of a graphical element (symbol).

*”user” – in the ‘Frameworks’ environment – for the simple graphical modelling of structured thinking – the “user” is referred to as “Thinker Modeller”, because I regard “user” as a technical (gadget-centred) designation, whereas ‘Frameworks’ is a human-centred designation.

The “Magic Browser” Tool, 1995/96

The programme of applied R&D into simple information modelling tools – with schematic graphical browsable interfaces – was essentially: open systems platform-independent, with distribution of tools and applications to multiple “users” on the network (employing UNIX/X11 Windows and the TCP-IP protocol).

However – in the mid-1990s, the world of “personal computing” was becoming dominated by IBM and the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Whilst continuing to pursue (demonstrate and argue for) the strategy of open systems computing distributed on the network – I thought it useful to develop a tool for authoring and distributing multimedia (documents) employing the new HTML Standard for authoring, displaying and distributing multimedia documents – and developed a small tool: which I called, “The Magic Browser”.

The ”Magic Browser” Tool was a very small object-oriented HTML multimedia document authoring and display tool for Microsoft Windows. The magicbrowser.exe file was around 289 Megabytes in size – leaving over 1 MB remaining for the storage of a multimedia document on a Floppy Disk.

“Browsing” was the key interaction – think – interest – create – share – browse – interest – select – discover!

Image gallery image
Image gallery image
Image gallery image

As an Academic (Human Anatomist turned to Software Designer & Proto-Typer)

As an academic at the University of Leeds, I became focused on the prototyping and testing of computer-based information modelling tools and applications to be developed for, delivered to and tested by a community of users: teachers, domain/subject experts, authors of teaching materials, students, and (because the technical strategy was to distribute the tools and applications on the campus network) the campus network technicians. Applications largely in the education domain (teaching, learning and archiving). Employing the technical strategies of UNIX/X11 Windows and TCP-IP (for open systems, platform-independent, applications); games programming (for visual, interactive graphical interfaces, positive cognitive stimulation in support of discovery learning); and object-oriented software design, programming and coding for correct software engineering, clarity and for re-usability (class libraries).

My focus and priority was the exploration and practical prototyping and demonstration of a vision of “computer-based hypermedia”.   “Walking the Talk” – pursuing the funding necessary to sustain the IMP Initiative and (unconventionally and outside the conventional academic domain) the employment of the games programmer and his side-kick screen artist, and from time to time writing about the development and testing of the tools and applications and during the mid-1990s showing what was in fact the pioneering work at a series of TOOLS (the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems) Conferences in Europe and the USA.

The Evolutionary Series of Tools & Browsers 1989-1997
  • “The GPE”, 1989/90
  • “The Media Language”, 1991
  • “Paris” HTML Browser, 1992/3
  • “The Magic Browser”, 1993/4
  • “GARDEN”, 1994/5
  • “IMPFW”, 1996

A number of information modelling tools and demonstrator applications were designed and implemented between 1986-1997. All the applications presented to the users as “browsers”.

In a sense – each of the tools – the “GPE”, the “Media Language”, “Paris”, “The Magic Browser”, “GARDEN” and “IMPFW” (and the latest ‘Frameworks’ Tool) – are “prototypes” where each successive tool was designed to realise the developing ideas about “information modelling tools” and to meet the various requirements of the clients – academics and teachers wanting to explore “computer-based multimedia” and its application to teaching and learning – whilst the IMP Project was focused on the technical strategies of open systems, platform-independent computing, the distribution of hypermedia applications on the network, and attractive and simple graphical interfaces to (large-scale) information resources.

Prototypes to be tested and evaluated and measured against user expectations, with user feedback – to inform any further development and prototyping.

The “GPE” Tool “Graphical Programming Environment” (with support from IBM UK New Technologies Group, Hursley Park Winchester, UK)

This screenshot is from the “GPE Tool”, which reproduces the HNS Browser and more.

The aim was to explore new technologies – including the IBM PC-RT Workstation with a high-resolution screen and networking capabilities; object-oriented design, programming and coding (where we employed C++); the UNIX OS (IBM AIX), X 11Windows and TCP-IP networking protocol for platform-independent distribution of applications on the network.

See: https://ibmhursleymuseum.info/hursley-products-sw.asp

The “Media Language” Tool

Developed as a part of the “STILE Project” (to deliver the ‘STILE’ Browser, Supporting Textile Industries Interactive Learning Environments*) commissioned by the Department of Textile Industries at the University of Leeds.

  • ILE, “interactive learning environments”: I was keen to explore the situation of computer-based mechanisms in teaching and learning as part of a “learning environment” (along with traditional elements, books, lectures, tutorials, and teachers) – the “interactive” being the aim of the computer-based access (self-paced and guided) and interface (browsing and discovery).

This is a screenshot from the “Media Language – The “STILE Browser”. This was a Chunk called “Weaving Animation” illustrating the Loom, The Warp and the Weft. Following lessons learnt from the GPE project – we employed the Eiffel Object-Oriented Programming Language and we explored “Chunking” as a mechanism for the multimedia representation and display of domain objects.

The “Magic Browser” Tool (with support from The Asian Development Bank & The Pakistan Agricultural Research Council)

This screenshot is from “The CLCV Browser” – the Main Menu and Portal to the CLCV Project Archive – constructed with the “Magic Browser Tool”. In contrast to a more traditional text-menu/list.

The “GARDEN” Tool “General Application Realisation & Development Environment” (with support from Sun Microsystems Distributed Hypermedia Group, Palo Alto USA)

This screenshot is from the “EFC Browser” built with the “GARDEN Prototype Tool”.

The “IMPFW” Tool “IMP Frameworks”

This is a screenshot from the “IMPFW” prototype tool. Having spent some 7 years employing the technical strategy of applications distributed on the network (UNIX/X11/TCP-IP) – the prevailing fashion was PCs running MS Windows and the HTML Web protocol – and so we prototyped a small tool for automating the construction and display of information models linking to information resources employing these emerging standards.

The “Magic Browser Website” was named after these browsing prototypes.

Currently The ‘Frameworks’ Project, 2025
The ‘Frameworks’ Prototype Tool, “The Intelligent Frame”

The ‘Frameworks’ Tool is a realisation of the ‘Frameworks’ Methodology (which has been developed over 10 years) – for Independent Structured Thinking and the representation of structured thinking and understanding – in the form of simple graphical models, which the “Thinker Modeller” constructs around the ‘Frameworks’ Core Spinal Model contained in a Framed Meta Model.

This image depicts the design of the ‘Frameworks’ Model: which is programmed and coded as the ‘Frameworks’ Tool. The Meta Model is an object-oriented model composed of the Objects: Frame, with integral Thinking & Modelling Space, Core Spinal Model, Stuff Box and Elaborate Button.

This is a screenshot from the ‘Frameworks’ Tool, Prototype Version 3.1 (October 2024) prototype tool.

Minimal; Simple; Small Menu Fewest Buttons; Small Models Fewest Key Elements

In keeping with my information modelling and browsable interface design philosophy. From the original concept demonstrator and through the series of evolutionary tools (and browsable graphical interfaces). A philosophy of minimalism: small information modelling tools with the fewest buttons; information models with the fewest key elements organised into a meaningful and browsable array (schema) with hyperlinking to definition, detail and reference.

The Tool: Small & Simple: “The Intelligent Frame”

The ‘Frameworks’ Tool is called “The Intelligent Frame” – to convey the idea that the methodological process of modelling thinking and understanding is realised in the tool as a step-by-step interactive model construction. Interaction and modelling are supported and “framed & constrained” by the tool.

Step-by-Step Modelling; Framed & Constrained; Elaboration of the Core Spinal Model

Modelling around the Core Spinal Model: where the default is the Focus and Context Nodes of the Core Spinal Model. Where the process of step-by-step modelling is first step for the “Thinker Modeller” is to name and specify the highlighted Focus Node, and the second step is to name and specify the Context of their thinking. The Focus must have a Context. The Thinker Modeller may then Elaborate their Model of Focus and Context – to name and specify the Instances of their Focus – in a third level of the hierarchy. Decomposing large and complex entities (focuses) into key constituent elements. The Thinker Modeller is in effect categorising the elements of their thinking into a meaningful model. In successive levels of decomposition – a construction conducted according to the rules of constraint e.g Novice Modelling constrained to decomposition of each node constrained to up to 3 sub-nodes and decomposition of the Focus constrained to up to 3 additional levels of hierarchy.

This is a “Thinking Model” constructed with the ‘Frameworks’ tool Version 3.0. The “Thinker Modeller” in this case is Andre Gauthier – who coded the prototype. The Model depicts his thinking about his hobby: photography.